Guide to Restaurant Kitchen
Whether you’re opening your first restaurant, opening your second restaurant, or renovating an existing restaurant, an efficient restaurant kitchen design should be high on your list of priorities.
The kitchen is where the heart and soul of your restaurant is: the food, and the staff that create it. Commercial kitchens with layouts that are elegant, including all of the restaurant equipment that chefs need exactly where they need them, are essential to a restaurant’s success.

The kitchen is the heart of your restaurant, where your menu comes to life. It’s where food is prepared, cooked and plated. It is also where the dirty dishes are brought, where food is stored and where all your utensils, dishes and cooking equipment are housed. Unlike home, where it’s just you and your family, a restaurant kitchen has dozens of people in and out of it on any given shift, so it’s important to be organized. There’s a place for everything and everything in its place. It not only saves time during the busy rushes, but it also helps keep the kitchen.

Commercial ovens and ranges are specifically designed for high volume cooking. Though they are one of the most expensive pieces of equipment you’ll buy, a good commercial range can last decades. The type of food on your restaurant menu will dictate what type of commercial range you’ll need. For example, if you are going to feature several barbeque items on your menu, you will need a good size grill. If sauté dishes are a mainstay of your restaurant menu, then a six burner commercial range is ideal.

Each restaurant and each restaurant kitchen is an individual and will need equipment that meets some specific requirements. Always choose the equipment that is made for the professional kitchen. Whether it is a used or new equipment, generally restaurant kitchen equipment can be grouped into:
- Tables for food preparation
- Electrical equipment for cooking, baking, frying
- Refrigerators, freezers, ice machines
- Equipment for dish washing
- Cabinets, drawers and shelves to store dishes

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Having a well-planned restaurant kitchen doesn’t just keep the food flowing to the dining room—it can save you money in time and waste. It will also make prep and cooking times in the kitchen more efficient.

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Few Useful Tips For Restaurant Kitchen Design
- Arrange an appointment with your local or state inspectors to review your preliminary plans for kitchen design. Terms of safety and health must be met. In this way, you will get timely information about the potential demands for changes in the kitchen design so that all requirements could be satisfied.
- Design flexible kitchen. Trends in cooking are changing and the need for menu changes in the future is something that can be realistically expected. But the inclusion of cooked dishes like soups and stews will require different equipment. Therefore, ensure that your kitchen is flexible and can respond to market demands in future.
- Create working zones. Define the actions that will take place in the kitchen and create working zones: zone for food cleaning, cutting, baking, frying, cooking and others. Each employee working in his zone. In this way, unnecessary collision, tension, and chaos in the kitchen has been avoided.
- Store kitchen tools and appliances with similar functions together. Dishes and other equipment must have a defined homes. They need to always return to the same predefined place.
- Keep away tables with the cooling system for the preparation of meat and other foods that require low temperatures during the preparation from electric cookers and ovens. Also, all refrigerators and ice makers should be as far as possible from equipment for cooking and baking. This provides minimal energy consumption and safety for processed foods.
- When choosing electrical appliances pay special attention to energy consumption for each of them. The high cost of electric appliances with low energy consumption are cost effective in the long term.
- You should never buy equipment that does not have specialized service for the repair or replacement of parts in the vicinity of your restaurant.
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